Tuesday 18 December 2012

Exploring underutilized chow-chow in Mizoram

B K Singh, K A Pathak and S V Ngachan
Indian Horticulture 57 (5): 3-5, 2012
E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in
The chow-chow, a member of Cucurbitaceous family, is most popular vegetables in Mizoram. It is cultivated for its fruits, tender shoots, young leaves and tuberous roots. These economic parts are widely available in markets for almost 10 months in a year. The high nutritional and low-calorific value of chow-chow fruits make it suitable for hospital diets where the fruits can be used to supplement potatoes for diabetic patients. Mostly it is being cultivated on hilly terrain and vines are trained on permanent bower system, and even the hills having >100 % slope, where cultivation is not possible, is also under chow-chow cultivation. Its cultivation promotes permanent agriculture, reduces runoff and soil erosion, and conserves the natural resources. Chow-chow is a promising vegetable crop. It has good potential in Mizoram. The attractive fruits of chow-chow are waiting for their commercial exploitation for socio-economic upliftment of the people.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    Where I can by Chow Chow Vegetable seeds?
    Please give yours mobile number, if you don't mind, my number 9154705018 - Thanks
