Tuesday 27 December 2016

VRKALE-1: a tropical kale, first of its kind in the world

VRKALE-1: a tropical kale, first of its kind in the world
BK Singh*, Bijendra Singh and PM Singh
ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR-IIVR), Shahanshahpur-221305, Varanasi, UP, India
*E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2017, 64(2): 437-440, DOI: 10.1007/s10722-016-0477-x

Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. virdis L.), a very versatile leafy vegetable, is typically a temperate cole crop and is an excellent source of health benefiting phyto-nutrients. A unique tropical kale genotype, first of its kind in the world, has been identified at ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Christened as ‘VRKALE-1’, it bolts and flowers under North Indian plain conditions (11.8-23.5 °C temperature) and doesn’t require vernalization (low temperature <7 °C for 6-8 weeks). This is a smooth leafed kale (subvar. plana Peterm.) having soft, young, tender and crispy leaves, measuring 22-30 cm in length, are ready for first picking in 23-28 days after transplanting and thereafter at weekly interval. A single plant produces 100-125 leaves in 9-12 pickings weighing 1.5-1.8 kg leaf biomass and the leaf yield potential is very high (55-60 t/ha). It bears flowering stalk after 110-120 days of transplanting, having racemose type of inflorescence. Like tropical cauliflower which evolved in India; it is expected that tropical kale will certainly play a pivotal role in expanding the adoption, popularity and genetic base of kale in future, particularly in hitherto unexploited areas.
Key words: Brassica oleracea var. virdis; Kale; Tropical cole crops; Nutrient; Vernalization.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Colourful radishes for healthier salad

Colourful radishes for healthier salad
BK Singh*, TK Koley, Bijendra Singh, and PM Singh

ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Shahanshahpur-221305, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
*E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in

Radish is an important salad-vegetable grown and consumed throughout the world for its fleshy roots.  Anthocyanins’ (the most versatile polyphenols and a class of pigments) presence is responsible for the pink, red, purple and violet coloured radishes. Among anthocyanins, pelargonidine and cyanidine are responsible for pink/red and purple/violet colour, respectively. Coloured radishes in the salads and as colorants are gaining popularity because of their antioxidant properties and other potential health benefits. Anthocyanins, in general, are known to lower the possibility of cardiovascular disease, prevent obesity, inhibit the formation and progression of atherosclerosis, and reduce the risk of diabetes, certain types of cancers, oxidative stresses and age-related diseases.
The six genotypes developed have better yield potential, superior root quality (uniform shape, smoother root and a fewer secondary roots), more phyto-nutrients, and are are found to have potential in four categories of root pigmentation— red exterior (VRRAD-143 and VRRAD-131-2); red exterior and red xylem (VRRAD-130); purple exterior (VRRAD-131 and VRRAD-135); and purple exterior and purple xylem (VRRAD-151). They possess 80-250% higher amounts of nutrients, namely ascorbic acid (18.5–26.5.0 mg/100 g FW), total phenolics (32.5–65.0 mg/100 g FW), anthocyanins content (90–175 µg/g FW), antioxidant-FRAP value (3.15–5.90 µmol/g FW) and antioxidant-CUPRAC value (5.25–11.50 µmol/g FW) as compared to white-coloured commercial cultivars. Therefore, dressing salads with these radishes would make salad more nutritious and healthy.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Chow-chow (Sechium edule): best alternative to shifting cultivation in Mizoram

Citation: Singh BK, Ramakrishna Y and Verma VK. 2015Chow-chow (Sechium edule): best alternative to shifting cultivation in Mizoram. Indian journal of Hill Farming 28(2): 158-161
E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in
            Chow-chow (Sechium edule, iskut in Mizo dialect) is a boon crop of Mizoram and has potential for improving the socio-economic status of the tribal community. It is one of the most popular vegetables grown for its fruits, tender shoots, young leaves and the tuberized roots. Low calorific value of fruits makes it suitable for hospital diets/ baby foods and could also supplement to potatoes for diabetic patients. The vines climbs by clinging with tenacious tendrils, flowers are monoecious, fruits are mostly solitary, pear shaped, single seeded, viviparous with fairly bland taste of potato and cucumber. Mostly it is being cultivated on hilly terrain and the vines are trained over bower system, and even the hills having >100 % slope, where no cultivation is possible, is also under chow-chow cultivation. A flagship programme on commercialization of chow-chow cultivation in Mizoram will not only be an alternative to shifting cultivation; but also help in sustaining the farmers’ livelihood, reducing the runoff and soil erosion, and conserving the natural resources.

Keyword: Chow-chow (Sechium edule), shifting cultivation, cucurbitaceae, iskut, Mizoram

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Singh BK, Pathak KA, Ramakrishna Y (2013). Underutilized vegetable crops and spices of Mizoram: needs exploration and utilization. In: Prakash N, Roy SS, Sharma PK, Ngachan SV (Eds) Developing the potential of underutilized horticultural crops of hill regions. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, pp 217-232.
Singh BK, Ramakrishna Y, Verma VK, Singh SB (2013). Vegetable cultivation in Mizoram: status, issues and sustainable approaches. Indian J Hill Farm 26(1): 1-7.
Verma VK, Jha AK and Singh BK (2014). Nutritional properties of different fruit parts of popular chow-chow genotype grown in NEH Region of India. Vegetable Newsletter 1 (1): 8

Sunday 5 June 2016

Genetic combining ability for yield and other economic traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

Citation: Prasad V, Dwivedi VK, Deshpande AA and Singh BK. 2015. Genetic combining ability for yield and other economic traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Vegetable Science 42(2): 25-29.
Email: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in
An 8 × 8 half diallel set of crosses were made to identify promising genotypes and crosses and to suggest suitable breeding approaches for increasing simultaneous yield and consumers’ preference traits in brinjal. The estimates of GCA effects indicated that the parents, namely Black beauty, Pusa Purple Long, Pusa Purple Round and Surati Ravaiya excelled for eleven, nine, nine and eight economic traits, respectively. Desirable SCA effects for yield of marketable fruits per plant were observed in eleven crosses (Pusa Purple Long × Black Beauty, Manjary Gota × Surati Ravaiya, BB-44 × Surati Ravaiya, Green Long × Black Beauty, Black Beauty × Surati Ravaiya, Pusa Purple Long × Green Long, Gulabi Long × Pusa Purple Round, Gulabi Long × Black Beauty, Pusa Purple Long × Gulabi Long, Pusa Purple Long × Pusa Purple Round, Gulabi Long × Surati Ravaiya). However, six cross combinations (Black Beauty × Surati Ravaiya, Pusa Purple Long × Black Beauty, Gulabi Long × Surati Ravaiya, Pusa Purple Long × Green Long, BB-44 × Black Beauty and Pusa Purple Long × Gulabi Long) were found to be best for fruit yield. These crosses have at least one of the parents as good general combiner and could be exploited through heterosis breeding, and hybridization followed by selection breeding approaches.
Keywords: GCA, SCA, diallel analysis, eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), quantitative traits

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Friday 15 April 2016

Scarlet bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.): a potential bean for India

Singh BK, Gyan GP, Tiwari SK and Singh B. 2016. Scarlet bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.): a potential bean for India. In: National Symposium on Vegetable Legumes for Soil and Human Health (Singh B, Singh M, Rai AB, Singh PM, Prasad RN, Mishra GP, Singh BK, Ranjan JK, Devi J, Seth T, Nagendran K., Chaukhande P, Kumar R, Gautam KK, Gujjar RS and Kumar YB Eds). ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, 12-14 February 2016, pp 162-170.
Email: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in

Botanically, the Scarlet bean is Phaseolus coccineus (fay-see-OH-lus koh-SIN-ee-us), which in Greek meaning “Red Bean”; though the seeds are multi-colored (In Greek it is:  fah-SO-lee KOH-kee-no). It is also known as Scarlet runner beans, a term that reflects the growth habit and scarlet/red flowers. The other names by which it is known include, fire-bean, mammoth, red-giant, scarlet-emperor, runner-bean, multiflora-bean, haricot d’Espagne, Oregon Lima Bean, Aycoctl by the Aztecs, Ayocote by the Spanish, case knife bean in England, and Feija da Espanha, feijaescarlata and feijatrepador in Portugal. The vines are perennial, but not frost hardy, and are usually grown as a half-hardy annual. It is generally climbing or trailing type, often grown as an annual crop for dry seeds, immature pods, shelled beans or as an ornamental plant. The vines may grow to 5-6 m or more in length. It belongs to the Fabaceae or legume family, and economically occupies the second position after P. vulgaris because of its highly nutritive value for humans and animals. The vine bears large green heart shaped leaves; attractive cluster of bright scarlet flowers, followed by numerous slender pods of about 10-12 cm long and 2.5-3.0 cm wide during January through March. The knife-shaped pods are normally green; however, there are very rare varieties bred by amateurs that have very unusual purple pods. An example of such a purple-podded runner bean is 'Aeron Purple Star'. The beans are as attractive as the vines and flowers themselves. Most varieties have red flowers and multicolored seeds (though some have white flowers and white seeds), and they are often grown as ornamental plants.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): advances in genetic improvement

Singh BK, Lal H, Ranjan JK and Singh B. 2016. Snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): advances in genetic improvement. In: National Symposium on Vegetable Legumes for Soil and Human Health (Singh B, Singh M, Rai AB, Singh PM, Prasad RN, Mishra GP, Singh BK, Ranjan JK, Devi J, Seth T, Nagendran K., Chaukhande P, Kumar R, Gautam KK, Gujjar RS and Kumar YB Eds). ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, 12-14 February 2016, pp 125-136.
E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in

              Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), an important legume, is a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals and fibre. The main categories of common beans, on the basis of uses, are dry beans (seeds harvested at complete maturity), snap beans (tender pods with reduced fibre harvested before the seed development phase) and shell beans (seeds harvested at physiological maturity) and. Snap bean is also known as French bean, garden bean, green bean, edible podded bean, string bean, fresh bean or vegetable bean. As the name implies, snap beans break easily when the pod is bent, giving off a distinct audible snap sound. The pods of snap beans (green, yellow and purple in colour) are harvested when they are rapidly growing, fleshy, tender (not tough and stringy), bright in colour, and the seeds are small and underdeveloped (8 to 10 days after flowering). After that period, excessive seed development reduces quality and the pod becomes fibrous, pithy and tough, and loses its bright colour. Snap bean seeds may also be used in dry static like the dry bean types. In that case pinto, kidney, pink, small red, etc. terms are used. In India, the dry bean type varieties are known as rajmash/rajmah, and snap bean named as rajmah phali in Hindi. Common beans display a wide range of growth habits from bush determinate to pole indeterminate types. Bush types are the most widely grown and are a relatively short duration crop; but on the other hand, in smallholder agriculture or in kitchen garden where land is scarce, labour-intensive high-yielding climbing beans getting popularity now-a-days. Dry bean is the largest pulse crop in the world with 23.60 mt of annual production grown on 29.29 mha area; and the top ten producing countries are Mayanmar (3.90 mt), India (3.63 mt), Brazil (2.79 mt), China (1.46 mt), USA (1.45 mt), Tanzania (1.20 mt), Mexico (1.08 mt), Kenya (0.61 mt), Ethiopia (0.46 mt) and Rawanda (0.43 mt). Moreover, snap beans’ global annual production and area is about 20.74 mt and 1.54 mha, respectively with maximum production in China (16.20 mt) followed by Indonesia (0.87 mt), India (0.62 mt), Turkey (0.61 mt), Thailand (0.31 mt), Egypt (0.25 mt), Spain (0.17 mt), Italy (0.14 mt), Morocco (0.13 mt) and Bangladesh (0.09 mt) [FAOSTAT 2012]. In India, it is grown on an area of about 1 lakh ha mainly in the states of Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, North-East hills, Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu), hills of central India, Palni hills (Kerala) Chickmagalur (Karnataka) and Darjeeling hills (West Bengal). The tender pods of snap bean are good source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), phylloquinone (vitamin K), β-carotene (vitamin A), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), Mn, K, Ca, P, Fe and omega-3 fatty acid. It is a legume crop, do fix some nitrogen but the N fixing bacteria are not active as with other legumes; therefore there is need to fertilize the field with nitrogenous fertilizer to harness the yield potential.
Acosta-Gallegos JA, Kelly JD and Gepts P. 2007. Pre-breeding and genetic diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Crop Science 47 (Supplement 3): S44–S59.
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Advances in genetic improvement of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.).

Singh BK. 2015. Advances in genetic improvement of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.). In: Novel Genomic Tools and Modern Genetics and Breeding Approaches for Vegetable Crops Improvement (Pandey S, Singh B, Mishra GP, Karkute SG Eds). ICAR-IIVR Training Manual No. 66, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, India, pp 101-115.
E-mail: bksinghkushinagar@yahoo.co.in

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), an important member of cole crops (Brassica oleracea), is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide. The word Cole seems to come from the abbreviation of the word ‘caulis’ meaning stem, and it was variously spelt as Kale (English), Kohl (German), Kool (Dutch), Kal (Scandinavian), Kaali (Finnish), Kaol and Kol (Breton), Chou (French), Col (Spanish), Cal (Irish), Cavolo (Italian), and Couve (Portuguese). The Cole crops are a group of highly differentiated plants and these are generally grown all over the world from tropical to arctic climatic conditions. The present concept of curd “pre-floral fleshy apical meristem” consists of a shoot system with short internodes, branch apices and bracts. Globally, cauliflower grows at the latitude 11-60 °N with average temperature ranging from 5-8 °C to 25-28 °C. In its vegetative growth period, it may withstand temperature as low as –10 °C and as high as 40 °C for a few days. Both in world as well as India, cauliflower follows cabbage in importance with regard to area (1258 and 433.9 thousand ha), production (22840 and 8573 thousand Mt) and productivity (18.2 and 19.8 Mt/ha), respectively (NHB 2014). In India, cauliflower is grown in the hills and the plains at altitude ranged from 11-35 °N and temperature ranged from 5-40 °C. Important states producing cauliflowers in India are West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat, Haryana, Chhatishgarh, Jharkhand, Assam and Uttar Pradesh (NHB 2014). It is also grown in northern Himalayas and in Nilgiri hills. The curds of cauliflower are harvested from September to February in northern Indian plains and from March to November in the hills of North and South India. Over the last 15 years, cauliflower’s acreage and production in India is increased continuously by 60.7% & 75.3%, respectively; but its productivity increased only 9.1%.

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